Saturday, November 7, 2009

spotcheck attack !

spotcheck attack

a very gilaa day oh this .wth . aha . suddenly got spotchck at this first , the teacher said gne * ckgu tahu ramai orang yg membawa barang larangan skarang ini . jikalau ckgu membuat spotchck ah , ckgu yakin pasti ramai orang yg akn menangis .* then , after she say n say n say. suddenly she say * smua pelajar d kehendaki tunggu dan duduk d dewan besar kerana ckgu akan membuat spotcheck. jgan bergerak dan jgan ke mana mana.* omg. ahaa .funny .manyy pepol wer trying to escape for this moment . aww . i included. honestly ,***** .aha . at my beside pnyaa frend time d dewan besar that were very panic ne .til she ask me to kasi kosong my bottle. ahha . fuunnny laa this . then , after a while , teacher comin , comin comin and comin after us . im panic gla oh wen she check me . ahah. actually , nothing jugaa ba i bawa . sot .